Biotechnology is one of the techniques to improve agricultural production. Modern biotechnology holds significant achievements to meet up the challenges in the production of agriculture. It is used in living systems to develop commercial processes and products which also contain the techniques of Recombinant DNA, gene transfer, embryo manipulation, plant regeneration, cell culture, monoclonal antibodies and bio-processed engineering. These techniques can convert ideas into practical applications, i.e., certain crops can be genetically changed to increase their tolerance to certain herbicides. It also offers new ideas and techniques applicable to agriculture and also develops a better understanding of living systems of our environment and ourselves. It has a tremendous potential firm improving crop production, animal agriculture and bio-processing. Biotechnology in the food processing industry aims to the selection and improvement of microorganisms with the goals of improving process control, yields and efficiency in addition to the quality, safety and stability of bioprocessed products.
Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food Processing shows how biotechnology can enhance the quality and yield of agriculture and food products. It delves into outlook on important biotechnological issues with direct relevance to agriculture and food processing, illustrating biotechnological tools for increasing agricultural productivity and convey a holistic examination of all the aspects about interventions of biotechnology in agriculture and food processing. It includes technologies such as gene modification (manipulation) and transfer; the use of molecular markers; development of recombinant vaccines and DNA-based methods of disease characterization/diagnosis; in-vitro vegetative propagation of plants; embryo transfer and other technologies used to process the raw food materials produced by the crop, and livestock sectors. The current research and advances in the impact of biotechnology in agriculture and food processing is also explained. The contributed chapters are written by renowned experts in the field, the book offers a better considerate of how biotechnology applications can diminish production costs, advance productivity, and augment product quality in the agro food processing industry.